The Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. (CAADC) will be administering the CARES Rent Relief Program funded by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency in Delaware County.

For renters to be eligible for financial assistance under the CARES Rent Relief Program (RRP), they will need to document at least a 30% reduction in annual income since March 1 related to COVID-19, or they must have become unemployed after March 1. If unemployed, they must have filed for unemployment compensation with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Their household income cannot exceed the Area Median Income for their county of residence, adjusted for the number of people in their home. Renters who qualify may receive assistance equal to 100% of their monthly rent up to $750 a month for a maximum of six months of assistance for the time period between March 1 and November 30, 2020. Payments will be made to their landlord on their behalf. Renters or landlords can apply for rent relief for apartment tenants, but renters are responsible for submitting all the documents needed to ensure their eligibility.

Please go to the below link to access the forms required and to learn more information.

A complete CARES RRP application will consist of all three of the below forms

  • Landlord Application
  • Landlord Property Certification
  • Lessee Household Certification/Renter Application

All of the required completed forms can be sent to CAADC by:

  • Mail to –

Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc.

Attention: Rent Relief Program

1414 Meetinghouse Road

Boothwyn, PA 19061

  • Email to –

CAADC will contact you if more information is required or once you have been approved or denied.

Any questions please call (610) 874-8451.