Our Services
Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. (CAADC) provides a variety of services to help households along the Continuum of Care towards self-sufficiency as well as economic development initiatives that strengthen our community.
All programs include eligibility requirements and depend upon funding availability.
Please call (610) 874-8451 for assistance.
Housing Services
Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. (CAADC) provides a variety of Housing Services designed to meet the needs of residents and to stabilize their housing situations.
Services include:
- Emergency Housing provided at the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County (single individuals), Wesley House Shelter (families and single females) and the Family Management Center (families).
- Homeless Prevention including Rental Assistance
- Rapid Re-Housing and Transitional Programs
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families
- Finally Home Program for Families affected by the Opioid Crisis
- Safe and Healthy Homes for Lead Paint Abatement
- Rental Housing – please click here for an application
Workforce Development
CAADC offers Workforce Development initiatives that have the goals of removing barriers to employment, providing training for successful careers and linking participants to jobs.
Services include:
- Work Ready Program (Welfare-to-Work initiative)
- Clinical Medical Assistance Youth Training Program
Energy Services
CAADC provides various Energy Services to promote energy efficiency and conservation in the homes of Delaware County residents. In addition, CAADC provides emergency assistance to households experiencing a utility crisis.
Services include:
- Weatherization Assistance Program is provided to Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, Lebanon and Montgomery Counties – Click here for a flyer or here for an application.
- Crisis Heating Assistance Program
- Utility Assistance
- Fuel Assistance
- Water Conservation Measures
- Energy Education

Support Services
CAADC provides Support Services designed to assist residents already receiving social services or to address a particular need in order to stabilize their situation, give them the tools to success and/or to progress toward self-sufficiency.
Services include:
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) provides free tax assistance to low-and moderate-income households. Call (610) 833-4443 to make an appointment.
- Food Assistance including the SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Program
- Case Management including the Coordinated Entry Program
- Community Based Care Management Program for Behavioral Health Services
- Financial Literacy Instruction
- After School/Recreational Therapy Program for Shelter Residents
- Information and Referral
Economic Development Initiatives
CAADC’s Economic Development Initiatives help to strengthen our communities and to make them more energy efficient and safer.
Initiatives include:
- Delaware County Construction Company
- Lead Hazard Control Program
- Affordable Rental Properties
- Home Ownership Program