Workforce Development
Work Ready Program
CAADC is contracted with the Department of Human Services to operate the Work Ready Program for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients in Delaware County. The goal of this welfare-to-work initiative is to remediate barriers to employment and prepare them for job search, placement and retention through work experience and job readiness training. If you are receiving TANF through the County Assistance Office, you can contact your caseworker for a referral to the Work Ready Program.
For more information please call (610) 874-8451.
Veteran Employment Program
CAADC provides the Veteran Employment Program to unemployed or underemployed Delaware County Veterans. CAADC assists with securing employment and helping Veterans to achieve a career pathway opportunity.
For more information please call (610) 874-8451.
Allied Health Youth Program
The Allied Health Youth Program (AHYP) provides a career pathway opportunity for economically disadvantaged out-of-school youth, ages 17-24. Youth are provided training and hands on experience through on-site classes and clinical partnerships in a medical setting. Youth have the opportunity to obtain two national certifications through this program: Clinical Medical Assistant and Customer Services. AHYP offers youth the perfect opportunity to fast track into a Career in Healthcare. This program is funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act through the Delaware County Office of Workforce Development.
For more information please call (610) 874-8451.
Employment Bound Program
Employment Bound supports individuals with an Opioid Use Disorder who are in recovery and looking for a career pathway opportunity. The program is designed for those in recovery to attain job readiness skills and obtain employment in recovery friendly workplaces. Employment Bound provides individuals with connections to community resources, and education and job training intended to enable long-term employment in conjunction with maintaining a healthy and substance-free lifestyle.
Please see the attached flyer Click Here
For more information please call (610) 874-8451.