Why We Need Your Help

Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) private, non-profit corporation, which relies on the generous support of individuals, corporations, foundations, churches and civic associations in order to serve those in need in Delaware County.  While we do receive some government funding, over half of our support comes from private sources.  Contributions can be financial or in the form of donated (“in-kind”) goods or services. All contributions to CAADC are eligible for federal income-tax deductions. Special state tax credits are also available for certain types of corporate gifts.

Financial Contributions

Donations can be made via credit card through PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to contribute this way. Just click the Donate button on the right.

To make a donation by check, please make check payable to Community Action Agency of Delaware County and mail to:

1414 Meetinghouse Road
Boothwyn, PA 19061

Donations can be made directly to CAADC through the United Way Donor Designation Program. Please designate Community Action Agency of Delaware County and use the donor designation numbers listed below when you make your United Way commitment:

  • United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania – # 6194
  • United Way of Southeast Delaware County – # M160

Furniture or Household Items

To make donations of furniture or household items, which we can pick up from your home, please contact our Donations Warehouse at (610) 874-8451 to make the necessary arrangements.  Click here for more information on what types of items you can donate.

How Your Church, School or Civic Group Can Help

Churches, schools and civic organizations can provide much-needed assistance to our four emergency shelters serving homeless families and individuals:

  • Host a collection for one month.  Collect food and household supplies for use at the shelters. Click here for a list of needed items.
  • Hold a Penny Drive.  Provide jars or cans (we’ll provide the labels) for collecting pennies.  Set a goal or a time limit and then donate the “Change for a Change” to CAADC.
  • Plan and implement a fundraising event. Examples could include spaghetti dinners, bake sales, flea markets, auctions, covered dish suppers or special collections. Speakers are available to help with the event. Please contact the Development Department for more information at (610) 833-4442.
  • Holiday Help:  Collect or donate toys and food for our shelter families during the holiday season.  Please contact the Development Department for more information at (610) 833-4442.

Other Ways of Giving

Vehicle Donation – Please go to the following website for the Center for Car Donations: www.centerforcardonations.com, select our charity and begin the process. 

To make other types of gifts such as stock, property, office equipment and supplies, in-kind services or corporate tax credit gifts, please contact the Development Department at 
(610) 833-4442.

Thank you for your support of Community Action Agency of Delaware County.

Community Action Agency of Delaware County is a registered charitable organization. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.